3 Following


Currently reading

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
Malcolm Gladwell
March 2014
started following:
March 2014
started following:
February 2014
reviewed: MISUPURI! Volume 1
Okay so far but shows a lot of potential. I really want to read the next chapter @__@
MISUPURI! Volume 1 - Seizuki Madoka
reviewed: Olden Days Locket
I've been looking for this book forever! XDDD I read it in second/third grade and couldn't remember the title. I thought it w...
The Olden Days Locket - Penny Chamberlain
reviewed: Bud, Not Buddy
Whenever I see a Ticonderoga pencil, I think of this book.
Bud, Not Buddy - Christopher Paul Curtis
finished reading:
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: Off-Topic: The Story of an Internet Revolt
Can't wait to read it.
OFF-TOPIC: The Story of an Internet Revolt by G.R. Reader - G.R. Reader
February 2014
reviewed: The Trap (Hunt)
So cliché. I saw that "twist" coming from a mile away. Also, using "The Trap" as the title kind of makes it super obvious tha...
The Trap - Andrew Fukuda
finished reading:
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: The Prey (Hunt)
Better than the first one. Don't know what the cover's all about; I expected the girls in the book to be wearing princess tea...
The Prey - Andrew Fukuda
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: The Royal Ranger (Ranger's Apprentice)
I think he kind of over-did the teenager thing. While it was ironic and somewhat satisfying to see Ruhl die in his own fire.....
The Royal Ranger - John Flanagan
finished reading:
January 2014
finished reading:
January 2014
reviewed: The Girl of Fire and Thorns
*SPOILER ALERT*Anyways, I thought it was surprisingly good. The beginning was alright, but I like the idea of using Spanish o...
The Girl of Fire and Thorns - Rae Carson
finished reading:
January 2014
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan: A Novel
It's really quite horrible how many books I see on Goodreads that I haven't read but have watched the movie. .__.;;
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See
reviewed: Shadows in Flight (The Shadow Series)
OH MY GOSHNESS. I might have cried at the end if this book was a little longer. D': BEANNNNNN COME BACKKKKKKKKK D: But really...
Shadows in Flight - Orson Scott Card
finished reading:
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: The Heroes of Olympus - Book Four The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus, The)
To quote a friend, "Its so cool there aren't adequate words to describe it." But Nico... agh the angst loneliness sadness ake...
The House of Hades - Rick Riordan
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Hidan No Aria 10
The last of the English translations... *sobs* if Baka-Tsuki or anyone else picks this series up again for translation, since...
Hidan No Aria 10 - Yoshino Koyoka
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Hidan No Aria 9
That ending... .__.;;
Hidan No Aria 9 - Yoshino Koyoka
finished reading: